Monday, October 23, 2006

Death by Umbrella

After only one week of working in London I have nearly had my throat sliced open THREE times....

I have therefore decided that each umbrella-selling store needs to set a policy whereby anyone shorter than me (so that's 5'8" and a half) is banned from making a purchase. Especially if they can't be courteous enough to at least try to move their umbrella out of the way.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Jewellery or Religious symbol?,,-6146899,00.html

Who gives a shit? Honestly?

BA have said that they don't mind her wearing Jewellery (religious or otherwise) if its concealed under her uniform. On BBC News 24 this woman was interviewed and refused to accept this on the basis that she wanted to "demonstrate her faith". What? Is she that insecure in her beliefs that she has to go around waving a religious symbol? By all means, wear the damn thing - but why care if it's on show or not? Why does she feel the need to advertise the fact that she is a Christian?

Hmmm - I wonder... if one of her colleagues turned out to be a Satanic Worshiper.... and was to one day start to come into work with the Satanic Pentacle on full display as jewellery of some form.... would she be completely happy with that?

At the end of the day - BA have a NO JEWELLERY ON DISPLAY policy. Religious symbol or not, her cross on a necklace IS an item of Jewellery. Why should she get special treatment over other employees just because it's a religious symbol? She calls it religious discrimination not to let her wear her cross on display. If she wins her case, I would call it positive discrimination. Yet another example of political correctness gone mad.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Six Degrees of Separation

Apparently, there's a theory which proposes that everyone is a maximum of only 5 people away from knowing someone else. At the moment its only a theory - which has been tested several times and "shown" to be roughly correct.

I think online communities such as should be able to aid somewhat in the proof of this theory... in a vain attempt to boost my friend count (in direct competition with my girlfriend) I've been following the links on people in my friends list. It's quite un-nerving sometimes to see the number of people who you know, who know each other... yet you never knew they knew them.

I think there are too many knew/know words in the previous sentence, but I think my message is there somewhere. Purely out of interest, I'm thinking of starting a website to test the six degrees of freedom theory. I don't think there should be detailed profiles or "How do you know this person"... but instead each person merely logs on and writes a list of everyone they know.... the link doesn't have to be strong, just enough such that the other person can confirm it.

Might be interesting.