That time of year again...
I've been at uni for seven long years now - almost finished though! Throughout that time I've noticed a slow, but inevitable, change in my attitude towards new students...
Once again it's come round to that time of year when the new wave of Freshers hit the campus. It's a great chance for an overhaul in their entire lifestyle - they can redefine who they are the very day before they come to uni, start from a blank canvas. Yay! For current students, new arrivals also means fresh talent potential. Yay again! It all soon loses its edge though - after being there, doing that, and making a mess of a perfectly good t-shirt... it soon wears off.
So now I see new students roaming around my campus and I can't help feeling like I wish they weren't there. Not in a horrible "why don't they just die way", but a more gentle and subtle way of "bugger off". When I ponder as to why I'm thinking like this, I often come straight up with the protective "I was here first" scenario. It fits most of the criteria I guess. It certainly explains how I enjoy sending people over the A30 to the music department when they're asking for directions to new halls. Serve's 'em right for not knowing better say I.
But lately I've been re-examining this fresher contempt. Now I think maybe the reason may be jealousy. Jealous that they are just starting their university experience, and that I'm just finishing. Seeing as this is a thoroughly nicer way of looking at it than the previous excuse - I'm gunna go with it for a while. See how it feels on.
So for now, freshers, I'm not sneering at you because you're sitting in my proverbial seat - but because I want to be where you are right now... unless you're reading this from the bed of your latest fresher-fling. In which case I'd better not want to be where you are as my girlfriend could get nasty.
Once again it's come round to that time of year when the new wave of Freshers hit the campus. It's a great chance for an overhaul in their entire lifestyle - they can redefine who they are the very day before they come to uni, start from a blank canvas. Yay! For current students, new arrivals also means fresh talent potential. Yay again! It all soon loses its edge though - after being there, doing that, and making a mess of a perfectly good t-shirt... it soon wears off.
So now I see new students roaming around my campus and I can't help feeling like I wish they weren't there. Not in a horrible "why don't they just die way", but a more gentle and subtle way of "bugger off". When I ponder as to why I'm thinking like this, I often come straight up with the protective "I was here first" scenario. It fits most of the criteria I guess. It certainly explains how I enjoy sending people over the A30 to the music department when they're asking for directions to new halls. Serve's 'em right for not knowing better say I.
But lately I've been re-examining this fresher contempt. Now I think maybe the reason may be jealousy. Jealous that they are just starting their university experience, and that I'm just finishing. Seeing as this is a thoroughly nicer way of looking at it than the previous excuse - I'm gunna go with it for a while. See how it feels on.
So for now, freshers, I'm not sneering at you because you're sitting in my proverbial seat - but because I want to be where you are right now... unless you're reading this from the bed of your latest fresher-fling. In which case I'd better not want to be where you are as my girlfriend could get nasty.