Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I changed the toilet roll in the loo today. Without prompting. Does that mean I've been domesticated?

Monday, May 29, 2006

Natalia Gordienko

I've been trauling the internet looking for a picture of Natalia Gordienko (Eurovision 2006 - Moldovian entry) for the Bizanators blog... but it seems she doesn't want to be photographed alone.

Luckily I happened to stumble across a backstage photo of Bis and Natalia!! What a coincidental find. I've posted it here - as I assume he might not post it.

Robstag - Hamburg 2006

Just back from my Brother's Stag Do in Hamburg - a.k.a "ROBSTAG". Pictures will surely follow after I've gathered them together from the various cameras being used.

I found myself being in the interesting position of being in "that group guys" that you see in the airport/street and tend to avoid like the plague. Nine or so guys walking around in matching T-Shirts cursing rather loudly and shouting "ROBSTAG" at the top of their lungs. Undoubtedly this is in no small part due to starting to drink at the airport at 5am in the morning....

The St. Pauli area - Reeperbahn and Herbertstraße in particular - were joyfully visited. A few of the highlights were:
  • Managing to convince the locals that "Robstag" (Robs Day in German) was an official day.
  • Elliott being fleeced of 125 Euros by a Champagne sipping lap dancer
  • Our hotel sharing its foyer with "World of Sex" or "WOS Markt"
  • Herbertstraße and its windows of pleasure
  • Pre-lined toilets in the Blockhouse Restaurant
Some of the as yet unclassified points:
  • Learning far too much about my dad during a "I have never..." drinking game
  • Mistakenly deciding that a 2 hour Canal Boat trip would be fun for 9 guys on the piss
  • Watching the daily reality dramatics of the prostitutes and their clientele outside our hotel
There are of course many more points. The official note taker has them somewhere on his person and I'll grab a few more of the interesting ones when I can be bothered.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Stingy Coffee House

I'm getting rather frustrated with the coffee place on my University campus. I don't feel that I'm getting the amount of coffee that I'm paying for. When the guy makes my coffee he almost invariably pulls out too early... and leaves some of the precious nectar dripping from the machine.

I've tried staring at him in a menacing way... but I think he is either unaware of my dissatisfactory glare, or he is politely ignoring it - possibly thinking that I'm mildly constipated.

Edit : Looking back at this post I find that it could be construed as being homo-erotic. Its not.


Caustic Carter? Let me define it using the infinite wisdom of :

2. Corrosive and bitingly trenchant; cutting. See synonyms at sarcastic

1. A charioteer. [Obs.] Chaucer.

2. A man who drives a cart; a teamster.

3. (Zoöl.) (a) Any species of Phalangium; -- also called harvestman. (b) A British fish; the whiff.
I'd like to point out that I prefer the 2nd definition. I object to being called a "whiff".