The root of all wrinkles
Apparently it's possible to alter the general shape of various parts of your body simply by given said part a certain stimulus on a frequent basis. For instance, it is possible to buy a shaped hard cushion for you to sit on day in and day out so that you can firm up and shape up your arse.
Following on from this it is thought that wrinkles are a problem that starts from a very early age. Take the typical "crows' feet" that a lot of people get around their eyes from the middle ages and onwards. This is believed to be a result of daily screwing up of your eyes when you're washing your hair. Most people don't just close their eyes, they REALLY close them tight because they learnt at a young age that shampoo + eyes = pain.
Upon realising this I have now taken to not closing my eyes at all whilst washing my hair. It hurts like bugger, and my eyes remain bloodshot in protest for several hours after every shower - but I'm confident that I'm on the virtuous path to wrinkle free skin.
Following on from this it is thought that wrinkles are a problem that starts from a very early age. Take the typical "crows' feet" that a lot of people get around their eyes from the middle ages and onwards. This is believed to be a result of daily screwing up of your eyes when you're washing your hair. Most people don't just close their eyes, they REALLY close them tight because they learnt at a young age that shampoo + eyes = pain.
Upon realising this I have now taken to not closing my eyes at all whilst washing my hair. It hurts like bugger, and my eyes remain bloodshot in protest for several hours after every shower - but I'm confident that I'm on the virtuous path to wrinkle free skin.
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