Thursday, June 01, 2006

Where are all the Beautiful Air Hostesses?

OK - this is something that's been bugging me for the last few years now. As part of my PhD I end up traveling an awful lot (for a student that is) but I have yet to see one single bloody specimen of a good looking and YOUNG Air Hostess!

Note the capitalised YOUNG in that sentence. Is it just on the flights that I take, or are all Air Hostesses nearing retirement age? Surely there is going to be a worldwide shortage if it carries on at this rate....

Stereotypically, an Air Hostess is seen to be a young and good looking woman (please see above photo. Several times if necessary to get the idea) .So much so in fact that it even features quite high up in adult fantasy dress genre! Apparently this stereotype came from (or at least was fuelled by) Donald Bain's "Coffee, Tea or Me? The Uninhibited Memoirs of Two Airline Stewardesses". I think that Donald should be reprimanded for raising false hopes of millions of air travelers.

On second thoughts though it may be that I had been traveling with the wrong airline....

Hooters Air ran for a short while with the idea of specifically jazzing up the air hostesses image.... unfortunately it didn't take off very well. Shame that. Maybe it was something to do with people not taking them seriously....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't fly with Virgin much then?

Fri Jun 02, 08:04:00 am BST  

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